From Robert Hall, Director 2014-2016, Rotary International, Zones 33 & 34
June 2016
…This year’s zone institute highlighted Alzheimer’s and Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust (CART). As the CART Fund celebrates its’ twentieth year we featured a segment of Carl White’s Life in the Carolinas TV show “Remembering No More: A Story of Change”.
CART Executive Director Bill Shillito and founder Rotarian Roger Ackerman have worked many years encouraging Rotary clubs to donate their coins at the Rotary meal to CART. Almost $6M has been raised to date by over half of our zone’s clubs with the same amount awarded in grants for leading edge research not funded by the government.
All of us have been touched by a relative or friend who has this terrible disease. I urge you to view this 22.5 minute video (no commercials) and consider showing it at a club meeting. This special tells the story of the Power of One with the support of Many. This is “The Rotary Story” demonstrated once again. A major theme in this story is one of hope.
You can also provide feedback to Bill Shillito at [email protected]. Your feedback will be useful.