Dean Lutz, long time Lincolnton (NC) Rotarian and dedicated supporter of CART, has served as his club’s CART chair for several years. He and his wife own a beautiful mountain home in Blowing Rock, NC. It’s not rented out, they keep it available only for family and occasional visits with friends. He recently offered a two night/three day weekend stay to be used in a raffle to help the RC of Lincolnton (NC-D7670) reach their goal of $1,000.

Every CART donation of $25 got one ticket for the drawing, which was scheduled for the club’s spring “socially distanced” fling at the local YMCA pavilion on March 27th. Through announcements at weekly meetings, a digital flyer and the use of personalized emails to members, excitement grew quickly, and the club passed their $1,000 goal the day after announcing the challenge!
There was musical entertainment for the big event, and a local caterer supplied boxed burger lunches. The weather was perfect, and a nice crowd came out to enjoy Rotary fellowship and support the service project. Many had recently been vaccinated and enjoyed their first comfortable social event in over a year! By the time it was the appointed hour, the RC of Lincolnton had DOUBLED the goal and raised $2,680! And because of the great support, Rotarian Dean decided to offer not one, but TWO, weekend Mountain vacations!
Club members Johnathan Rhyne and Ed Lindsey won the tickets, which were drawn by club member’s daughters. A great effort to increase donations to CART and have fun with fellow Rotarians.